My #1 Secret to Decluttering Your Home & How to Make It Last


A household with kids can be a magnet for clutter. While this is completely normal, it’s also true that clutter and chaos may feel overwhelming for you when you don’t have designated places to put everyday items. After the holidays, especially, you may find yourself inundated by the amount of things taking up space. If you feel like your home is too small, chances are that you just have too much stuff!

Today, I’m giving you my secret to a clutter-free home that lasts…

Why is decluttering a challenge?

The most common reason people struggle with decluttering is the constant, "What if?" For example, have you ever attempted to declutter and found yourself asking:

What if these jeans come back in style?

What if I decide to go snowboarding this year?

What if I lose 15lbs? 

What if Aunt Karen visits and doesn't see the vase (I never liked) displayed?  

I'm going to share one BIG tip that will help you get organized and keep the clutter at bay. Keep reading!

How do you declutter and make it last?

First, you need to figure out what is the most important to you and your lifestyle. This will allow you to have a foundation for decision making. For example, do you want to "Marie Kondo" your space and make everything beautifully aesthetic and functional? Or is your goal simply to declutter and clean up?

Either is a fine choice, but you have to decide what your comfort level is to set realistic expectations for yourself, and by extension, realistic goals.

What is my #1 decluttering secret? 

Now that you have a foundation for decision-making, I will share the BIG secret! 

Use a 5-item (or less) task list. Read that again. It's that simple. Start small and build up once you begin to form your new habits. This will help you to create actionable goals and give you a sense of accomplishment throughout the process. 

The kitchen junk drawer is always a great place to begin. Throw away what you don't need and give everything a home. Be sure to keep everything in one place (i.e., if you have batteries in your junk drawer and a box of batteries in a console somewhere else, consolidate them). 

If you get stuck, re-visit your 5-item list and switch to something else. You can always come back to that pesky task once you check one or two others off.

Final Tip? Prioritize the most important task on the list and set an achievable time-frame per day. Maybe that means chipping away at your list for 20 minutes per day. Maybe it’s just a 5-minute sprint. Set a timer, and you will be amazed at how much you can get done in no time at all. Then, keep at it. It takes 30 days to form a new habit. Consistency is key! 

Remember, if you need any help transforming your home, whether functionally, aesthetically, or design, I am always here to help virtually and in person!

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