How to Decorate Your Bookshelves with Intention


Your bookcases speak Volumes about who you are. No pun intended 😉 Just like people DO judge a book by its cover your guests can tell a lot about you by what’s on your shelves. So when accessorizing your bookshelves think What do I want to reflect about myself & my family? Let me guide you on how to decorate your bookshelves with intention to shine your best light.

When I’m working with my clients I read into what they’re like. It helps me get a better understanding for how I can best help them. One of the first places I browse are their bookshelves. I ponder on….The books they read. Family photos. Objects of Art. Dust…yes, dust can tell me a lot about a person. The way things are arranged OR NOT. Mementos they have gathered over the years.

Each one has a meaning. It can say…

“I love my family.”

“I hate to clean.”

“I’m sentimental.”

“I’m mourning a loss.”

“I love to travel.”

“I love an intriguing story.”

“I’m into health & wellness.”

“I love history & politics.”

And So much more.

Oh, you can’t believe what the objects on your bookshelves are saying about you.

It’s not that you have to impress anyone. BUT, if your bookshelves are telling these things to a guest in your home, WHAT ARE THEY SAYING TO YOU & YOUR FAMILY EACH & EVERY DAY?….That’s what matters.

BECAUSE…everything in your home, either LIFTS YOU UP or brings you down. If you’re reading this blog then I imagine you are looking to elevate the vibes in your home. So, stay with me ;) I’ll take you where you want to be.

To decorate your bookshelves with intention….

Start with What you Have…

Whether you’re 20 or 80 you’ve gathered and collected over your years on this earth. Things that have meaning to you. That includes your favorite novels or self-help books. But that doesn’t mean EVERYTHING should live on your bookshelves. This is the time to weed out the books & accessories that don’t, as Marie Kondo would say “Spark Joy.” I know it can be hard to let go of objects that are sentimental.

When it comes to books ask yourself 3 questions . Would I read or reference it again? Did this book have a powerful impact on me? Does it stir up good feelings? If you answer YES to all 3 KEEP THEM. Otherwise, it’s time to donate them.

When it comes to objects ask yourself these 3 questions. Does this raise my energy when I glance at it? Does it make me feel proud? Is it meaningful to me? Any one of these would constitute a reason to KEEP IT. Otherwise, as they say… “Someone’s trash is another’s treasure.” DONATE IT.

“the space in which we live should be for the person we are becoming now, not for the person we were in the past.”

Marie Kondo

How to decorate your bookshelves with intention is not an easy process to go through. I know, I’ve helped clients make the transition.


Bookshelves with Intention

There’s a story behind every object.

On my first appointment with Donna I sensed that this was going to be a hard transition for her. She had mentioned that her husband suggested that they make some changes to their home. It’s not unusual for the husband to want to update the look but generally that sends the women of the house jumping for joy. But in this case she was dragging her feet.

It was her bookshelves that told me why.

I noticed that there were many, many photos of what I sensed to be her son and a handful of what I believed to be her daughter. I literally felt like Nickie, played by Cary Grant in the movie An Affair to Remember when he discovers that his love, Terry, played by Deborah Kerr has become a paraplegic. Some of you are too young to know this movie but it inspired Sleepless in Seattle which you might have seen. Both pull at your heartstrings.

I found a gentle way to inquire about her children. That’s when she broke down and told me. Her son had died of cancer when he was in his early 20’s. My eyes welled up with tears. In conversation I realized he was my daughter’s age. He would have been 33 at the time of our initial appointment. My heart melted just imagining how hard that must have been for her and her family. He died in their home.

The shelves were filled with reminders of him. Books he read, photos of him, baseball trophies from high school, mementos that friends & family had given them when he passed away. In a way, I was on an intervention rather than a design consultation. I realized now that her husband wanted me to help her move forward.

Fast forward, after the family room furnishings were replaced or recovered I found a gentle way to suggest that I rework the bookshelves. I started by pulling everything off the shelves and sorting in categories. Books, framed photos, figurines and other objects of art. She dusted while I sorted to keep things moving. I asked her to pull aside the items that were most important to her. As you can see there were several framed photos that we kept, books which we tucked up on the end bookcase, and some special mementos. The small yellow finches were symbolic of the yellow birds that were fluttering by her kitchen window the day of her son’s funeral. We also kept a sunflower which was her sons favorite flower. I suggested we add some photos of her grandson who was named after her son as well as her daughter and son-in-law.

I could literally feel the weight lifting from her shoulders as we made the final tweaks. The bookshelves were now honoring the past but allowing the present into her life.

In this case we didn’t need to purchase anything new to fill the shelves. We just needed to weed some things out. But sometimes new items are in order to achieve the results you want.

Purchase with intention…


Plants & Candles are a Simple but Welcome Addition

This bookshelf displays a simplistic uncluttered look.

It might be tempting to decorate your shelves the same way you see in a catalog or magazine. There are some beautiful ideas out there but if you want to decorate your bookshelves with intention then you need to find objects & books that express WHO YOU ARE.

Here are some ideas to bring out the best in your shelves and reflect who you are.

Fresh Plants

Plants breathe life into your home. They help purify the air quality. They also add texture and soft shape to the look of your shelves. Choose plants that don’t require a lot of maintenance. Succulents are a good choice. They hardly need much water and they are compact & fit nicely on shelves. Here’s a good source for finding plants that speak to you.

Classic Leather Bound Books

Investing in quality leather bound books can add a cultural & intellectual feel to your shelves. Look for your favorite novels or subject of interest. Easton Press is a great source for adding to your bookshelves. You can also find leather bound novels at local resale book stores or some libraries have sales sometimes to raise funds to purchase new books. I’ve purchased some of my favorite books at our library. One of them was the Blockbuster hit movies of the ‘80’s & ‘90’s that we enjoy picking up and thumbing through. It inspires us to watch some of them again.

Unique Jars & Bowls

Look for patterns & colors that tie in your furnishings and add a spark of color to your shelves. Frontgate has a nice selection to choose from. Whether you like classic ginger jars, bright bold glazed colored vases, the clean look of white porcelain or the dramatic look of black ceramic, bowls & vases are an excellent way to add shape and height to your shelves.

Updated Photo Frames

Your family photos deserve an occasional facelift. Start with the photo and decide whether to keep the same one or use an updated version. Maybe a wedding photo should be replaced with an anniversary photo or one from a recent vacation. Baby photos are sweet but maybe it’s time to change it out to a current photo of your child or grandchild. I love to use vacation photos. Vacation photos are often taken outside and set against a bright sky or water which makes them pop on your shelves. They also bring you back to a place & time that lifts your spirits.

Frames should be updated too. Consider using the same or similar frames in different sizes for a more uniform & clean look. Or maybe you prefer a variety of frames for a more eclectic and carefree look. Do what feels good to you.

Depending on the look I’m trying to achieve for my client I shop for photo frames at Crate & Barrel , West Elm, Hobby Lobby and Home Goods. I have found a nice selection from all of these stores.

Sculptures & Figurines

Vacations are a great time to shop for objects of art that call your name. It’s especially nice when you select pieces that both you & your partner find together. They become timeless & valuable to you whether you spend a lot or a little on them because they help stir up a happy memory together. Even a day trip to a local city or art fair is a great way to find pieces that add interest and personality to your bookshelves.


Search for pieces that speak to your passions…

Reading, dancing, running, sports, cooking…WHAT DO YOU LOVE TO DO?

Decorating your bookshelves with intention takes time. There’s no need to rush the process. Careful consideration will give you a curated look that reflects who you are. Think of it as if you’re planning your wedding or a vacation. The extra thought & care will pay off and truly bring out the best of you and your home.

If you need more direction on getting started consider my Local or Online Design Services! I’m here to guide you!