Where to Hang a Mirror


Mirrors are an excellent addition to any room; not only do they give you the opportunity to check your hair and makeup they also brighten a dark space, reflect the beauty of other elements in the space, and they can open up the room by giving the allusion that it is larger than it actually is.

Knowing where to hang a mirror to bring out the best of the space takes some thought and consideration.

Last week, I was meeting with a client in her home. We were planning to review some finishing touches to her family room. I have been working with her for almost two years now and through that time I have come to realize that some things she is very decisive about, yet others, she labors over for months. In this meeting, I was hoping to see a piece of art hanging over her fireplace. It was a watercolor painting we had selected in our last meeting from a gallery up in Door County, Wisconsin. Since she and her husband would be heading up there in a couple of weeks for their annual trip she planned to purchase it then. It was going to work beautifully with her colors and would be perfect for the space!

As I was entering her home I asked her how her trip was and whether she had purchased the artwork. She replied, no, her husband wasn’t excited about it. Then she said, I’ve decided to hang a mirror above the fireplace instead.

Anyone that has ever worked with me knows that I tend to be very sensitive to my clients’ ideas. I will ponder for at least a few moments and give them my feedback. However, in this case, the words just jumped out of my mouth as if I were seeing my grandchild run out into the street. I said, NO YOU CAN’T DO THAT! My client stepped back as if I were going to throw something at her. It was then that I caught my composure and said, follow me. We went into her family room and I calmly explained to her that you need to consider what the mirror will be reflecting. In this case, it was the edge of a blank wall with the opening for the kitchen cutting in. Her mantel is quite high and there is no opportunity to hang a painting across from it and the space is too close to the opening anyway. She said, I hadn’t thought of that and agreed it wasn’t a good idea. We’re back to the painting again ;)

Mirrors can be such a beautiful feature in a home however, it’s important to know where to hang a mirror. Here are some tips on maximizing the beauty of your home by hanging your mirrors with intention.

What is your mirror reflecting?

This should be the first question you ask when figuring out where to hang a mirror. In some cases such as in a foyer, you’ll be utilizing the mirror for checking your hair or makeup as you are walking out the door or maybe your guests will check themselves as they enter your home pulling themselves together on a breezy or blustery day. In this case, it doesn’t really matter if it is reflecting a blank wall when not being used for its intention. However, if you do have an opportunity to hang a piece of art opposite the mirror then it’s an added bonus.


In the photo shown in my client’s living room the addition of the mirror was a perfect application. Not only does it reflect the delicate mural and window treatment but it also catches the light and pulls it back into the room. Whenever you have the opportunity to showcase a special feature in a room it makes sense to hang a mirror across from it when you can.

The Best Applications for where to hang a mirror for maximum effect…

Dining Room

Consider hanging a mirror over a buffet reflecting a piece of art or wallpaper. It’s a great opportunity for guests enjoying a holiday meal or a casual gathering to enjoy the details from almost every angle. A mirror in the dining room will also catch the light and beauty of the chandelier over the table.

Living Room

Instead of hanging a mirror over the fireplace mantel consider hanging it across from the fireplace where it can catch the beauty of the fireplace surround, the accents on the mantel as well as the flames of the fire.

End the Hallway

The end of a hallway is a great place to hang a mirror because it creates a feeling that the hall goes on forever! It also does a beautiful job catching the other details down the hallway such as furnishings, family photos, and sconces. It’s often the wall directly outside of a bedroom or at the top of the stairs so it’s a great opportunity to check yourself before heading downstairs or out the door.

Family Room

One of my favorite places to hang a mirror is the family room across from a large window. It’s a great way to bring the outdoors into the space and brighten the room.

Selecting a mirror that’s right for your application is another important factor before purchasing one.


The finish on the frame should relate to other elements in the space such as a ceiling fixture or a lamp. It might also tie into the hardware on your furniture. It doesn’t have to be a perfect match but something that correlates and doesn’t overpower is a good choice.

Frame Style

The style of the frame should correlate to the furnishings in the space. For instance, if you have sleek contemporary furniture you generally want something simple whether it be round, square or a triangle with a trim frame like this, not bulky. The exception to that rule would be if you want the mirror to be more of a statement like the mirror shown below. In that case, find a mirror that excites you like a piece of art.

Thomas Pheasant Constellation Mirror from Baker Furniture

Thomas Pheasant Constellation Mirror from Baker Furniture

If you have a traditional style, it’s likely that some of your furnishings have carving which could inspire your frame selection. For, instance if you have a shell motif on your dining chairs you can pick up that motif in the mirror like this beautiful antique mirror.


Be sure to measure the space you are working with before you start shopping for your mirror. You want to create parameters for the best size mirror for your space. This should be a size that won’t overpower but won’t appear lonely by itself.

Another way to do this is by creating a grouping of mirrors like this which will fill a space nicely without feeling too heavy yet still reflect the light and other elements in the room.

Whatever your decorating style is remember to give some thought and consideration to where to hang a mirror.

If you need more direction on getting started consider my Local or Online Design Services! I’m here to guide you!